Aug 30, 2015

No Fresh Air

Our views for the last two weeks or more at Kootenay Lake - smoke filled skies from wildfires in Rock Creek, BC and the States of Washington and Idaho.  I cannot imagine how it is for all those folks, it's been just awful here.  The mountains are obscured and everything is gray in colour, but the worst is the smell of the smoke and breathing.  Windows have been shut tight and we've been staying indoors as much as possible.  

Last night and today it rained and it's a new world!  We can see the sky!  We can see mountains!  And we can breathe fresh air!  

Kootenay Lake is in the distance under all the smoke - view from Creston, BC

View of Kootenay Lake along Hwy 3A on the east shore

The sun has been red from all the smoke

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